Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Esozone 2011

For the people who missed it, The Steven Lasombras was added at the last minute to the bill at Esozone 2011, along with Cult Of Zir and Soup Purse.
The event itself was very cool (Tom Henderson's talk on Friday night was especially enjoyable), and the performances went well. I uploaded video of a few of the SLs songs here. The camera's mic was shit, especially frustrating since the two-amp setup I was trying sounded really nice in the room (if you turn the volume on the video way down, it almost sounds "really bad").
Still, it might give one the general idea of what was happening. Next time, better mics!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Summer ended.

This is where the magic happens now. (Not pictured: "the magic".)

Hello, friends. It appears that I managed to go all Summer without posting any updates here. MY APOLOGIES. Since last post we've been working, recording, moving, painting, setting up new studio space, rehearsing, more recording... It's been a busy time.

ANYWAY. The new SLs record is almost done, still on track to finish by the end of the year (factoring in time for mastering and finalizing the drawings and layout for the book, I believe we're still looking at an early-2012 release).

ALSO, I've been painting more pedal enclosures. A handful of these are for sale now over at Old Town Music, a few more are available now through this Etsy site. These are two of them:

You should buy them, or recommend to someone else that they should buy them. The point is, they should be bought. That is all.

More updates soon! Probably.