Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Custom-painted pedal enclosures!

Hello, friends. Just a quick update - if you're in the market for a new fuzz pedal, Portland-based pedal builder Devi Ever has a new system for accepting hand-painted pedals where an artist paints an enclosure, sends it to Devi, then you special-order one of Devi's two-knob pedals in the custom-painted enclosure of your choice.

I did ten of these and they're available NOW through Devi's Etsy store! I think they turned out really well. Go buy one.*

*Personally, I would recommend the 90 in a Total Recall enclosure, or the Torn's Peaker with Tommy Wiseau screaming "YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, LISA." The Bit is also a winner - I use the Bit side of my Bit Mangler all the time on SLs recordings, especially with keyboards.